Hi! We are Chris & Lori Bruse, founders of Monumental Worship.
We’ve been involved with various prayer and worship ministries for over two decades. We have answered God’s call to disciple our 9 children in worship and prayer. Our family has grown into a full worship team. Some of the kids are adults now, but regardless of age, each plays an important role on our team. Our desire is to carry God’s glory and presence through our songs, prayers, and messages.
With our new Monumental Worship mission we are answering God’s call again, to be missionaries to America! We have sold our home and are primarily on the road traveling to host worship and prayer gatherings in each state capitol and other strategic locations across the nation. As we regularly stand as witnesses for Jesus Christ in public places, we regularly see God save souls, heal bodies, and set people free to follow Him. We are in pursuit of genuine revival and another Great Awakening in this nation!